Heal & Step into your Soul Purpose

Heal & Step into your Soul Purpose

Showing successful women who feel called to live their soul purpose how to discover it, embody it, and receive a royal income doing what lights them up!
work with els
you’ve done everything right but

something FEELS WRONG

You’ve built your life by the book and have a career to be proud of, but it’s not as fulfilling as you expected.

It feels like there is something else that you’re supposed to be doing—but you don’t know what it is or how to get there.

Something keeps pulling you back when you try to step into your power. You’re pretzeling yourself to meet the demands of others.

You want to do what you feel called to do, but fear it wouldn’t pay enough to really live. Or that people will think you’re crazy if you do the things you really want to do.

You’ve built your life by the book and have a career to be proud of, but it’s not as fulfilling as you expected.

It feels like there is something else that you’re supposed to be doing—but you don’t know what it is or how to get there.

Something keeps pulling you back when you try to step into your power. You’re pretzeling yourself to meet the demands of others.

You want to do what you feel called to do, but fear it wouldn’t pay enough to really live. Or that people will think you’re crazy if you do the things you really want to do.

your body knows better. It can’t lie.

You’re experiencing health issues. Symptoms are popping up or dragging on. It feels like your body is letting you down.


That treats human beings as working machines.

Our culture would have us believe we are only valuable when we are perfect and productive cogs in the system.

How can we do what our soul calls us to do AND receive a healthy income when we’re immersed in a system that doesn’t welcome the fullness of who we are--or the necessity of shining our light into the world?

you have it Good, you should be grateful but

YOU CRAVE a soul-satisfying success

Our culture would have us believe we are only valuable when we are perfect and productive cogs in the system.

How can we do what our soul calls us to do AND receive a healthy income when we’re immersed in a system that doesn’t welcome the fullness of who we are--or the necessity of shining our light into the world?

You’re ready for people to see and recognize your unique gifts, hire you for them, and pay you generously for it.

Hi, I'm els

Energy Healer, Innovation Strategist & Soul-Purpose Coach

I know how it feels to be in a job that looks good on paper, but is actually draining your energy and burning you out

I know how it feels to look to the outside world for love and approval, pretzeling yourself to fit into somebody else’s idea of an ideal employee, spouse, mother, etc.

I know how it feels to lose connection with your body—our internal guidance system—and not understand what you need to do to heal

The universe is abundant


Like you, I feel frustrated about how common it is to be underpaid while over-delivering. Nobody should have to live on a dime to fulfill their soul purpose.

Body-soul Healing + Strategic innovation

bringing two worlds together


Business sharpens the mind, strategy hones our thinking, and innovation sets our creativity in motion.

I worked as a Venture Developer in Silicon Valley for a European energy company and as an Innovation Strategy & Business Consultant for stock-listed companies

Coached start-ups on strategy through the vulnerable first stages of initial start up and growth

Hosted over a hundred strategy workshops to guide people in stepping out of the box and bringing their creativity to building a new business


The healing arts reveal how everything is interrelated & provide a way to clear what holds us back.

I’ve guided dozens of clients in hundreds of sessions in their healing process- from feeling sick and exhausted to feeling awesome

Earned certificates in Life Purpose Coaching, Bioenergy Balancing, Akashic Records readings & clearings, and Reiki

Studied energy healing, plant medicine, shamanism, sacred feminine archetypes, healing crystals & stones, and more

Living Life on my own terms

Breaking through our conditioning and letting go of old structures is not for the faint-hearted! It does allow us to build a life on our own terms.

I healed from a brutal burnout and intense health challenges

Quit my high-paying, high status Silicon Valley innovation job to start my Soulful Business Elsenzo and Live my Dream life in Todos Santos, Mexico

Embraced the initiations of Motherhood ;)

more about els
When we integrate deep healing with mental clarity...

magic happens

We want to live our soul purpose but our culture seldom supports us being the most full and powerful version of ourselves.

So how do we get there?

Your body intelligence is a powerful guidance system designed to bring your soul purpose into this world. When you use your body intelligence as a GPS you can discover how to heal, find your soul purpose, and how to bring your gifts to the world in a joyful and practical way that generates a royal income.


We find out what lights you up on a soul level and set the goals for our journey together.


We address what’s lurking in the subconscious, preventing you from living your soul purpose, and heal it.


We nail your unique gifts and get clear on how you want to bring them to the world.


We uplevel your money mindset and make you magnetic to money & clear any abundance blocks.


We set up the foundations of your business from identifying your ideal client all the way to your first launch!


You watch your income grow to royal dimensions as you fully step into your soul purpose.


We find out what lights you up on a soul level and set the goals for our journey together.


We address what’s lurking in the subconscious, preventing you from living your soul purpose, and heal it.


We nail your unique gifts and get clear on how you want to bring them to the world.


We uplevel your money mindset and make you magnetic to money & clear any abundance blocks.


We set up the foundations of your business from identifying your ideal client all the way to your first launch!


You watch your income grow to royal dimensions as you fully step into your soul purpose.

The subconscious mind holds the keys to why we're not yet living our Soul Purpose. When we are brave enough to face our inner demons, we set ourselves free to live our Soul Purpose
Els Verbrugge

work with els to heal & discover your soul purpose

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work with els in community

Heal, grow, and evolve with like-minded, like-hearted people

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Are you ready to heal your life & step into your soul purpose?

Apply now and we'll set up a discovery session to explore the fit!
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Love, Els

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