Some issues take more time to truly resolve.
Chronic illness and recurring life themes generally require multiple sessions to fully discover and resolve what is underlying, so you can heal and move forward.
Brilliant Breakthrough Bundles give you a safe container of steady ongoing support so you can finally get to the root of and fully address a long-standing or deep-seated issue that has been keeping you sick or holding you back.from the life you desire.
You get to customize your package to best meet your needs with either Body Inquiry or Karma-Clearing sessions as we go deeper to understand what’s getting in the way of you living your full self, clear old patterns, and access your body’s brilliant guidance to resolve the issue.
Clients find Karma-Clearing Sessions deliciously relaxing, freeing, and empowering. I love doing this work and am committed to supporting your healing and insight. If you feel you didn’t get the value you were looking for you will be fully reimbursed. When you schedule, be sure to tick the box to say you have watched the explainer video that prepares you for our time together.
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